Site down for maintenance.

"; exit; } if (!is_writable(TMP_TEMPLATES_C_LOCATION) || !is_writable(TMP_CACHE_LOCATION)) { echo 'Error'; echo '

The following directories must be writable by the web server:
'; echo 'tmp/cache
'; echo 'tmp/templates_c

'; echo '

Please correct by executing:
chmod 777 tmp/cache
chmod 777 tmp/templates_c

or the equivalent for your platform before continuing.

'; echo ''; exit; } @ob_start(); // initial setup $_app = CmsApp::get_instance(); // internal use only, subject to change. $params = array_merge($_GET, $_POST); $smarty = $_app->GetSmarty(); $smarty->params = $params; $page = get_pageid_or_alias_from_url(); $contentops = ContentOperations::get_instance(); $contentobj = null; $trycount = 0; cms_content_cache::get_instance(); $_tpl_cache = new CmsTemplateCache(); while( $trycount < 2 ) { $trycount++; try { // preview if( $page == -100) { setup_session(false); if( !isset($_SESSION['__cms_preview__']) ) throw new CmsException('preview selected, but temp data not found'); // todo: get the content type, and load it. $contentops->LoadContentType($_SESSION['__cms_preview_type__']); $contentobj = unserialize($_SESSION['__cms_preview__']); $contentobj->SetCachable(FALSE); $contentobj->SetId(__CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__); } else { $contentobj = $contentops->LoadContentFromAlias($page,true); } if( !is_object($contentobj) ) throw new CmsError404Exception('Page '.$page.' not found'); // session stuff is needed from here on. $cachable = $contentobj->Cachable(); $uid = get_userid(FALSE); if( $page == __CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__ || $uid || $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'] != 'GET' ) $cachable = false; setup_session($cachable); // from here in, we're assured to have a content object if( !$contentobj->IsViewable() ) { $url = $contentobj->GetURL(); if( $url != '' && $url != '#' ) redirect($url); // not viewable, throw a 404. throw new CmsError404Exception('Cannot view an unviewable page'); } if( $contentobj->Secure() && !$_app->is_https_request() ) { $url = $contentobj->GetURL(); if( startswith($url,'http://') ) str_replace('http://','https://',$url); if( startswith($url,'//') ) $url = 'https:'.$url; redirect($url); // if this page is marked to be secure, make sure we redirect to the secure page } if( !$contentobj->IsPermitted() ) throw new CmsError403Exception('Permission denied'); $_app->set_content_object($contentobj); $smarty->assignGlobal('content_obj',$contentobj); $smarty->assignGlobal('content_id', $contentobj->Id()); $smarty->assignGlobal('page_id', $page); $smarty->assignGlobal('page_alias', $contentobj->Alias()); CmsNlsOperations::set_language(); // <- NLS detection for frontend $smarty->assignGlobal('lang',CmsNlsOperations::get_current_language()); $smarty->assignGlobal('encoding',CmsNlsOperations::get_encoding()); $html = ''; $showtemplate = true; if ((isset($_REQUEST['showtemplate']) && $_REQUEST['showtemplate'] == 'false') || (isset($smarty->id) && $smarty->id != '' && isset($_REQUEST[$smarty->id.'showtemplate']) && $_REQUEST[$smarty->id.'showtemplate'] == 'false')) { $showtemplate = false; } $cache_id = 'p'.$contentobj->Id(); $smarty->set_global_cacheid('p'.$contentobj->Id()); if( $cachable && $showtemplate && $contentobj->Cachable() && cms_siteprefs::get('use_smartycache',0) ) { $smarty->setCaching(Smarty::CACHING_LIFETIME_CURRENT); } \CMSMS\HookManager::do_hook('Core::ContentPreRender', [ 'content' => &$contentobj ] ); if( !$showtemplate ) { $smarty->setCaching(false); // in smarty 3, we could use eval:{content} I think $html = $smarty->fetch('cms_template:notemplate')."\n"; $trycount = 99; } else { debug_buffer('process template top'); $tpl_id = $contentobj->TemplateId(); $top = $body = $head = null; \CMSMS\HookManager::do_hook('Core::PageTopPreRender', [ 'content'=>&$contentobj, 'html'=>&$top ]); $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('tpl_top:'.$tpl_id,$cache_id); $top .= $tpl->fetch(); unset($tpl); \CMSMS\HookManager::do_hook('Core::PageTopPostRender', [ 'content'=>&$contentobj, 'html'=>&$top ]); // if the request has a mact in it, process and cache the output. preprocess_mact($contentobj->Id()); \CMSMS\HookManager::do_hook('Core::PageBodyPreRender', [ 'content'=>&$contentobj, 'html'=>&$body ]); $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('tpl_body:'.$tpl_id,$cache_id); $body .= $tpl->fetch(); unset($tpl); \CMSMS\HookManager::do_hook('Core::PageBodyPostRender', [ 'content'=>&$contentobj, 'html'=>&$body ]); \CMSMS\HookManager::do_hook('Core::PageHeadPreRender', [ 'content'=>&$contentobj, 'html'=>&$head ]); $tpl = $smarty->createTemplate('tpl_head:'.$tpl_id,$cache_id); $head .= $tpl->fetch(); unset($tpl); \CMSMS\HookManager::do_hook('Core::PageHeadPostRender', [ 'content'=>&$contentobj, 'html'=>&$head ]); $html = $top.$head.$body; $trycount = 99; // no more iterations } } catch (CmsError404Exception $e) { // Catch CMSMS 404 error // 404 error thrown... gotta do this process all over again $page = 'error404'; $showtemplate = true; unset($_REQUEST['mact']); unset($_REQUEST['module']); unset($_REQUEST['action']); $handlers = ob_list_handlers(); for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < sizeof($handlers); $cnt++) { ob_end_clean(); } // specified page not found, load the 404 error page $contentobj = $contentops->LoadContentFromAlias('error404',true); if( is_object($contentobj) ) { // we have a 404 error page header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); header("Status: 404 Not Found"); } else { // no 404 error page @ob_end_clean(); header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); header("Status: 404 Not Found"); echo ' 404 Not Found

Not Found

The requested URL was not found on this server.

'; exit(); } } catch (CmsError403Exception $e) // <- Catch CMSMS 403 error { //debug_display('handle 403 exception '.$e->getFile().' at '.$e->getLine().' -- '.$e->getMessage()); // 404 error thrown... gotta do this process all over again. $page = 'error403'; $showtemplate = true; unset($_REQUEST['mact']); unset($_REQUEST['module']); unset($_REQUEST['action']); $handlers = ob_list_handlers(); for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < sizeof($handlers); $cnt++) { ob_end_clean(); } // specified page not found, load the 404 error page. $contentobj = $contentops->LoadContentFromAlias('error403',true); $msg = $e->GetMessage(); if( !$msg ) $msg = '

We are sorry, but you do not have the appropriate permission to view this item.

'; if( is_object($contentobj) ) { // we have a 403 error page. header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); header("Status: 403 Forbidden"); } else { @ob_end_clean(); header("Expires: Mon, 26 Jul 1997 05:00:00 GMT"); header("Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate"); header("Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0", false); header("HTTP/1.0 403 Forbidden"); header("Status: 403 Forbidden"); echo ' 403 Forbidden


'.$msg.' '; exit(); } } catch (Exception $e) { // Catch rest of exceptions $handlers = ob_list_handlers(); for ($cnt = 0; $cnt < sizeof($handlers); $cnt++) { ob_end_clean(); } echo $smarty->errorConsole($e); exit(); } } // end while trycount \CMSMS\HookManager::do_hook( 'Core::ContentPostRender', [ 'content' => &$html ] ); if( !headers_sent() ) { $ct = $_app->get_content_type(); header("Content-Type: $ct; charset=" . CmsNlsOperations::get_encoding()); } echo $html; @ob_flush(); if( $page == __CMS_PREVIEW_PAGE__ && isset($_SESSION['__cms_preview__']) ) unset($_SESSION['__cms_preview__']); $debug = (defined('CMS_DEBUG') && CMS_DEBUG)?TRUE:FALSE; if( $debug || isset($config['log_performance_info']) || (isset($config['show_performance_info']) && ($showtemplate == true)) ) { $memory = (function_exists('memory_get_usage')?memory_get_usage():0); $memory = $memory - $orig_memory; $db = $_app->GetDb(); $sql_time = round($db->query_time_total,5); $sql_queries = $db->query_count; $memory_peak = (function_exists('memory_get_peak_usage')?memory_get_peak_usage():'n/a'); $endtime = microtime(); $time = microtime_diff($starttime,$endtime); if( isset($config['log_performance_info']) ) { $out = [ time(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'], $time, $sql_time, $sql_queries, $memory, $memory_peak ]; $filename = TMP_CACHE_LOCATION.'/performance.log'; error_log(implode('|',$out)."\n", 3, $filename); } else { $txt = "Time: $time / SQL: {$sql_time}s for $sql_queries queries / Net Memory: {$memory} / Peak: {$memory_peak}"; echo '
'; } } if( $debug || is_sitedown() ) $smarty->clear_compiled_tpl(); if ( $debug && !is_sitedown() ) { $arr = $_app->get_errors(); foreach ($arr as $error) { echo $error; } } exit(); # # EOF #